Our Science
The Top 10 pharmaceutical companies spend ca. $80 billion a year to come up with fewer and fewer successful drugs. Many drugs fail during development as they inhibit cytochrome P450. An enzyme that is produced by the liver. CYP450 breaks down chemicals. preventing a build up to dangerous levels in the bloodstream.
Simply stated, traditional science is inadequate. Biotech and Pharma typically rely on mouse-models, extrapolation of data from similar drugs in the market, and conducting wet lab experiments. The prediction model is grossly inefficient with a failure rate of about 35%. What’s worse is that these failures are mainly realized in later stages of the drug development cycle such as Phase I clinical trials. Pharmas lose millions of dollars and months or years of R&D effort. Patients lose precious time as it takes longer for drugs to come to market.
NeuroBio helps life sciences firms combat these inefficiencies. Our AI platform combined with our deep scientific expertise helps researchers find new drugs faster, identify new indications for on-market drugs, and profile compounds and drug candidates for toxicity.
At NeuroBio, we hunt for new drugs with the power of AI.